Toast, It's not just for breakfast anymore: Would You Believe in Berries Made of Straw?

Friday, March 27, 2009

Would You Believe in Berries Made of Straw?

Who's never seen an unripe strawberry? If you answered 'me', you won't be able to say that ever again. I mean, without lying. 'Cause here they are!

(click to embiggen)

Strawberries are very interesting because they don't typically spread via the seeds that coat the berries that we eat. Instead, they send out 1 or 2 foot long runners that have small plants at their tips. As soon as they find dirt, they root and become next year's supply of fruit. This is an evil and pernicious tactic of many weeds, but with strawberries, it's a good thing. Mostly because they taste good.

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