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This video from Iraq is about 4 years old, but it's as important today as it was when it was created. I hope everyone will take the time to watch it to learn what we are up against.
This video from Iraq is about 4 years old, but it's as important today as it was when it was created. I hope everyone will take the time to watch it to learn what we are up against.
Like Nazism, Islam is an ideology one chooses to adhere to. Were there "good" or "moderate" Nazis? If not, then no one can claim that there are good or moderate Muslims as they are voluntarily subscribing to an ideology that advocates murder, torture and jihad and does not permit its follower to cherry-pick which parts they believe in.That's probably not a fair statement. Many people became Nazis because they were scared of what the Nazis would do to them if they didn't. Likewise, many muslims are muslim for the same reason. Still, it's interesting.
" is not Muslims that are the problem. Islam is the problem. There are many Muslims who want a modernized and democratic Islam – Salim Mansur, Thomas Haidon, Kamal Nawash and Mustafa Akyol are among them. And these reformers and moderates oppose the extremists in their religion just as much as any one us.
Yes, we cannot reform Islam without being honest about the violence, discrimination and hate that it teaches. And yes, there is a big question if the Islam with [the violence] taken out of it can remain an Islam at all"
The truth always comes out, it just seems to be taking a lot longer than it used to. It's going to take a decade to clean up the damage from Gore's hysterical rhetoric, but at least it's beginning now.
"Freedom isn't free at all. It comes with the highest of costs. The cost of blood."
"I'm a conservative first, and Republican, way down on the list."
The Daily Kos has the answer. Everybody just needs to convert to Islam! Such geniuses they have over there. (h/t LGF)
"This will not be over quickly. You will not enjoy this. I am not your queen."
"The downside of being better than everyone else is that people tend to assume you're pretentious."
Islam is the only death cult that manages to combine supreme arrogance with a constant sense of victimhood. - Diamond Bullet
Many people have said to me, "Blogagog, what does the back of your mother's head look like?" Well, friends, ask no more!