Words Kill
Time has decided to give it's annual 'Person of the Year' award to...
Ok, still two years to go, but we are going to have to elect a new President soon enough. It's time to start sending out feelers now. Here's a list of the things that are important to me. As the video explains, it's a choice position. If you want to be considered, you'd better be able to agree to a lot of these requests.
Voting Republican has produced some good results for our nation, but they reneged on most of their promises. Now that Democrats are in power, we should expect a gradual erosion of our economy by increased taxation and, if this is even possible, increased spending. Voting Republican doesn't help America much, and voting Democrat hurts it. What to do?
Archaeologists recently found a city of caves in Mexico inhabited by men almost a million years ago. They were so primitive that their garbage bags didn't even have a built-in drawstring. Twist-tie only. But they found some interesting information about the race. It was considered odd that they wrote in English, but what was even more amazing was the sign they found, similar to the 'Hollywood' sign seen in California:
"Recession is when your neighbor loses his job. Depression is when you lose yours. And recovery is when Jimmy Carter loses his."
This blog has been moved to the new beta blog version at blogspot. For some reason, websites I linked to in the last 4 months or so disappeared. I fixed most, but if a link to your website disappeared, please email me or comment here, and I'll re-add it.
TWO Mus–lim students have been expelled from an Isl–amic school in Melbourne for urinating and spitting on a Bible and setting it on fire.
Update: Pulled 4 posts so this one would be at the top. I'll put them back later.