Cleaning out the fridge this morning, I found a tub of 'Cool Whip Sugar Free' that has been hiding in there for at least 6 months. I opened it up, and it looked the same as the day we bought it. Pretty sure that means it's not actually food.
Cleaning out the fridge this morning, I found a tub of 'Cool Whip Sugar Free' that has been hiding in there for at least 6 months. I opened it up, and it looked the same as the day we bought it. Pretty sure that means it's not actually food.
Seriously. All alone. I vaguely remember Obama posing in front of a statue of Superman, acting like he was one in the same, and me thinking how gay that was, but I'm hard-pressed to remember fixing the photo to reflect a more accurate Obama:
Later, squatter chick. Back to your home with you. Loser. This woman had 'future hippie' written all over her. Good riddance. "But what about separation of families?" Whaaaah! I'm not for separation of families, just for even application of our laws. I fully support her kid's return to Mexico for re-unification with his Mom.
Anyone having post disappearance problems on I just lost two. In all fairness, they were pretty silly, so it may be as blessing in disguise. Still, it's curious.
We've obtained a copy of Deadwood, the story about a town in South Dakota during a gold rush. It's an interesting story, including Wild Bill Hickock and Calamity Jane. My advice? Swear more. A mere 75 f-bombs/(*bleep*)-suckers/c-words per hour is simply not enough.
If you read blogs, you've no doubt seen Michael Totten's interview with an Iraqi translator. But just in case you haven't, click this. This is the message that the left either doesn't understand or doesn't care about.
MJT: What do you think about the possibility of Americans leaving?
Hammer: It is like bad dream. Very bad dream. A nightmare. Worse than that. Like sending me back to jail. Like they set me free for four years then sent me back to jail or gave me a death sentence.
(letter to TNR)
Kids take after their Mom.